Anxiety is a normal part of life. It helps us respond to threats and challenges and can be helpful in the face of danger. But when Anxiety persists, it may develop into an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder is a mental health condition that causes feelings of panic or fear that are inappropriate for the situation. People with an anxiety disorder often worry excessively about real or imagined problems and experiences, even though they may be doubtful to occur. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and panic attacks (also known as acute stress response).
Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal human emotion and can be caused by various factors. Anxiety can be treated and prevented, but it’s essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of Anxiety to seek help if needed. If you’re experiencing fear, uneasiness, or worry more often than not, listen closely to your body’s signals. If this type of physical response starts to happen regularly—without any apparent cause—then it may be time to consult your doctor about anxiety treatment Sydney options such as therapy or medication.
What Anxiety might look like on the outside?
Anxiety is a mental health disorder that can be accompanied by physical symptoms, such as:
- Physical tension and pain
- Rapid heartbeat, which may be felt in the chest or neck
- Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
- Trembling and shaking
These symptoms can make it hard for you to do everyday activities. While these physical symptoms are not life-threatening, they are often part of the anxiety cycle. They may include intense worry about an uncertain future event or negative evaluation from others that can lead to avoidance behaviours. For example, You might avoid social interactions because you’re afraid of saying something inappropriate and embarrassing yourself; this will only increase your level of distress, leading to even more fears about social situations – causing further isolation from others in turn!
Agitation and irritability
A person with Anxiety will often feel restless, edgy or impatient. This can be hard to manage and may result in outbreaks that can negatively affect relationships with family members, friends and colleagues. Fatigue is a common physical symptom of Anxiety. Several factors, including lack of sleep and low blood sugar, can cause it. However, fatigue may also be caused by chronic stress or low blood pressure.
When you’re experiencing fatigue as an effect of your anxiety disorder, it’s essential to rest and get plenty of sleep if possible. Try not to push yourself too hard regarding physical activity or exercise—both are good for you. Still, they may feel like additional stressors that exacerbate your fatigue symptoms without any actual benefit from them.
Insomnia can be a symptom of Anxiety. Anxiety can also make it hard to fall asleep at night or keep you from getting restful sleep. Treatment for insomnia may help reduce the severity of your anxiety symptoms, which will, in turn, help improve your ability to sleep through the night. Sleep deprivation is a prevalent cause of Anxiety — so if you’re struggling with both at once, treatment for one will have an added benefit by helping with the other!
Cardiovascular related symptoms
Anxiety can cause a variety of symptoms, including heart palpitations. Palpitations are a prevalent symptom of fear, but other conditions may also cause them. The following are some possible causes for palpitations:
- Underlying medical conditions such as arrhythmia or hyperthyroidism
- Caffeine consumption, alcohol consumption and other stimulants
- Stress from exercise and other triggers
Muscle tension
You may experience muscle tension in the face, neck, shoulders, back, arms and chest. Muscle tension is a common symptom of Anxiety. You may feel as if you are frozen in place or on edge. It can also feel like a constant ache or headache throughout your body without apparent cause. Muscle tension can be relieved through relaxation exercises such as meditation and deep breathing, along with activities such as yoga stretches and gentle walking to promote muscle relaxation through movement.
Cold, sweaty hands and feet
Sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a common symptom of Anxiety and can occur on its own or in conjunction with other symptoms, such as sweating from the armpits or other areas. Sweating is how your body cools itself down when it’s hot outside (or when you’re stressed). Sweat contains water and salt, but also ammonia that helps neutralize the acids produced by exercising muscles. When you have Anxiety, your body releases adrenaline into your bloodstream, which causes you to sweat more than usual so that your heart rate increases and you start breathing faster—all things that make us feel more alert. If this type of physical response happens frequently, it may be time to consult Sydney clinical psychology about accurate diagnostic options such as therapy or medication.
Dry mouth and increased thirst
Stress can cause dry mouth by affecting your salivary glands, thus decreasing your ability to produce saliva. You may also experience dry mouth if you have been drinking too much coffee or alcohol or if you have naturally low saliva levels. Medication for Anxiety may also cause dry mouth as another side effect.
There are several ways to manage dry mouth:
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day
- Keep a toothbrush handy for frequent rinsing and brushing after eating or drinking something sugary (which can exacerbate the condition)
- Some medications contain artificial saliva that can be applied as needed
Frequent urination or diarrhea
It’s common for people with Anxiety to experience frequent urination or diarrhea. This can be caused by increased stress hormones in the body that cause your muscles to contract and relax more often than usual, leading to a loss of control over your bladder or bowels. If you find yourself struggling with this symptom, it’s essential to seek help as soon as possible. Treating Anxiety can help reduce and control these symptoms before they get out of hand—or even worse!
Lump in throat
Chest pain or discomfort; tightness in the throat or difficulty swallowing (if untreated, symptoms of an anxiety disorder may worsen and may result in panic attacks). Anxiety disorders often involve physical symptoms that can be very uncomfortable. Some people experience chest pain or discomfort, tight throat, and difficulty swallowing (which can make it hard to eat or drink properly). Panic attacks are also common among those with anxiety disorders. These episodes are characterized by feelings of intense fear that come on suddenly and last several minutes to several hours. The feelings usually peak within 10 minutes and then subside over time.
Anxiety has a variety of unpleasant symptoms.
Anxiety is a severe problem that often requires professional treatment. If you are experiencing excessive worry, nausea, or sleeping problems, you should see your doctor for help. Your doctor can recommend several different methods for treating anxiety disorders. The most common form of therapy used to treat anxiety disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This therapy focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety symptoms so they can be more easily managed.
An anxiety disorder is a severe mental illness. If you think you may have an anxiety disorder, it’s essential to get help right away. Treatment can help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.