Sunday, July 7, 2024
Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Step-by-Step Guide to Maintaining Your FG Falcon Outer Door Handle

For enthusiasts of the iconic Ford FG Falcon, maintaining the exterior of their beloved vehicle is a matter of both pride and necessity. The sleek lines, bold design, and rugged durability of the FG Falcon’s exterior make it a head-turner on the road, but they also require regular care to preserve their appearance and longevity. One of the most critical components of the exterior is the FG Falcon Outer Door Handle, which take a beating from the elements, daily wear and tear, and the occasional accidental scrape or scratch. Leaving these areas neglected can lead to rust, corrosion, and damage to the surrounding paintwork.

Importance of Proper Maintenance for Your Ford FG Falcon

The Ford FG Falcon is a classic Australian-made vehicle that has earned a reputation for its ruggedness and durability. With its sturdy build and robust design, it’s no surprise that many owners have chosen to keep their vehicles for extended periods of time. However, even with its tough exterior, the Ford FG Falcon’s outer door handles are susceptible to wear and tear, and neglecting their maintenance can lead to a range of issues. From minor scratches to major damage, the door handles can be compromised, leaving your vehicle vulnerable to the elements and potentially affecting its overall appearance.

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure your Ford FG Falcon’s door handles remain in top condition. Regular cleaning and inspection can prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems, saving you time and money in the long run. By taking the necessary steps to maintain your door handles, you can ensure your vehicle remains reliable, safe, and continues to look its best. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of maintaining your Ford FG Falcon’s outer door handles, providing you with the knowledge and expertise to keep your vehicle in pristine condition.

FG Falcon Outer Door HandleCommon Issues with Worn-Out Door Handles

As the proud owner of a Ford FG Falcon, you’ve undoubtedly invested a significant amount of time and effort into maintaining the overall appearance and functionality of your vehicle. One crucial aspect of your car’s exterior that often gets overlooked, however, is the outer door handles. These seemingly small components play a significant role in the overall look and feel of your vehicle, and when they begin to show signs of wear and tear, it can have a negative impact on the overall appearance of your car.

Worn-out door handles are a common issue that many FG Falcon owners face, and if left unchecked, can lead to more serious problems down the line. For instance, rusty or damaged door handles can compromise the integrity of the surrounding door trim, leading to costly repairs and potentially even affect the overall safety of your vehicle.

In this section, we’ll be highlighting some of the most common issues that can arise when your FG Falcon’s outer door handles become worn out, and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to identify and address these problems to ensure your door handles continue to function properly and maintain the look and feel of your vehicle.

Signs of Wear And Tear on Your Falcon Exterior Door Handle

The outer door handles of your prized Falcon Exterior Door Handle are a crucial part of your vehicle’s exterior, and just like any other component, they’re susceptible to wear and tear over time. As a proud owner of this iconic Aussie muscle car, it’s essential to be aware of the signs that indicate your door handles may be in need of some TLC. One of the most obvious signs is corrosion. Look for rust spots, flaking paint, or signs of pitting on the surface of the handles. If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Another sign of wear and tear is the start of the handle’s mechanical failure. You may notice that the handle is becoming loose or difficult to open and close, or that the lock mechanism is no longer engaging properly. This is usually a sign that the handle’s internal mechanisms are corroded or worn out, and require replacement or lubrication.

Furthermore, if you notice any scratches or dents on the surface of the handle, it’s essential to address them as soon as possible. Scratches and dents can lead to further damage, and may even compromise the structural integrity of the handle. By staying vigilant and addressing these signs of wear and tear, you can ensure your FG Falcon’s door handles continue to function smoothly and look great for years to come.

Prevention Is Key: Regular Cleaning and Lubrication

Cleaning and Lubrication

Maintaining your FG Falcon’s outer door handles is essential to ensure smooth operation and avoid costly repairs. A common pitfall many car owners fall into is neglecting to clean and lubricate their door handles regularly. This neglect can lead to a buildup of dirt, grime, and corrosion, causing the mechanisms to seize up and making it difficult to open and close the doors.

Cleaning Routine

To avoid these issues, establish a regular cleaning and lubrication routine. This can be as simple as wiping down the door handles with a soft cloth and mild soap solution every few weeks. Pay particular attention to the hinges and pivot points to ensure they remain clean and free of debris.


In addition to cleaning, applying a lubricant specifically designed for door hinges and locks can help keep the mechanisms running smoothly. Regular lubrication prevents the buildup of dirt and grime, reduces the risk of corrosion, and ensures your FG Falcon’s outer door handles remain in top working condition.

Benefits of Maintenance

By prioritizing regular cleaning and lubrication, you can prevent the buildup of dirt and grime, reduce the risk of corrosion, and ensure your FG Falcon’s outer door handles remain in top working condition. This preventative maintenance allows you to enjoy a smooth and hassle-free driving experience.

How to Clean and Prepare the Ford Falcon Door Lock Mechanism

The Ford Falcon Door Lock Mechanism is exposed to the elements, making them prone to dirt, grime, and corrosion. As a result, it’s essential to regularly clean and prepare them to maintain their appearance and functionality. In this step, you’ll learn how to do just that.

To begin, gather a few essential tools: a soft, clean cloth, a mild soap or car wash solution, and a microfiber towel. Start by wiping down the door handles with the soft cloth to remove any loose dirt or debris. Next, mix a small amount of mild soap or car wash solution with warm water, and dip the cloth into the solution. Gently wipe down the door handles, paying particular attention to any crevices or areas where dirt tends to accumulate. Be sure to clean both the handle and the surrounding trim.

Once you’ve removed any dirt or grime, use the microfiber towel to dry the door handles thoroughly. This will help prevent water spots from forming and ensure that the handles are free from streaks and residue. Finally, use a clean, dry cloth to buff the door handles and remove any excess moisture.

Identifying the Right Type of Lubricant to Use

When it comes to lubricating your FG Falcon’s outer door handles, it’s crucial to use the right type of lubricant to ensure a smooth and long-lasting operation. A poor choice of lubricant can lead to a sticky or squeaky door handle, which can not only be frustrating but also attract dirt and debris, causing more damage over time.

The first step in selecting the right lubricant is to identify the type of material your door handles are made of. If your door handles are made of metal, you’ll want to use a lubricant specifically designed for metal surfaces, such as silicone-based or petroleum-based lubricants. These lubricants will provide a protective barrier against rust and corrosion, while also reducing friction and wear on the moving parts.

On the other hand, if your door handles are made of plastic or other materials, you may want to use a lubricant that is gentle on these surfaces. Water-based lubricants or silicone-based lubricants with a low viscosity are good options for these types of surfaces, as they will not damage the material or attract dirt and debris.

Step-By-Step Guide to Lubricating the FG Falcon Door Lock Actuator

As the FG Falcon Door Lock Actuator is subject to daily use and exposure to the elements, they can quickly become worn and stiff, making it difficult to open and close the doors with ease. Lubricating the door handles is a simple yet essential step in maintaining their smooth operation and overall longevity. In this section, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to lubricate your FG Falcon’s outer door handles, ensuring they continue to function as they should.

To begin, you’ll need a few basic tools: a lubricant specifically designed for door hinges and handles, a soft cloth, and a brush or applicator. Start by locating the door handle pivot points, which are typically located on the underside of the door handle. Gently wipe away any dirt, debris, or old lubricant from the pivot points using the soft cloth.

Next, apply a small amount of lubricant to the pivot points, making sure to spread it evenly and avoid any excess buildup. Use the brush or applicator to get into the small crevices and corners where lubricant may be needed. Once the lubricant is applied, wipe away any excess with the soft cloth, taking care not to spread the lubricant onto any surrounding surfaces.

Tips for Addressing Common Issues with Door Handle Functionality

As you navigate the open roads in your trusty Ford FG Falcon, you rely on the reliability of your door handles to ensure a smooth and comfortable driving experience. However, like any mechanical component, they can sometimes malfunction, causing frustration and inconvenience. In this section, we’ll delve into some common issues that may arise with your door handle functionality and provide you with expert tips on how to address them.

One common issue is the door handle sticking or becoming difficult to operate. This can be caused by dirt, dust, and other debris accumulating on the handle or its surrounding mechanisms. To resolve this issue, simply clean the area with a soft cloth and mild detergent. For more stubborn cases, you can use a lubricant like silicone spray to loosen up the stuck parts.

Another common problem is the door handle becoming loose or detached from the door. This can be a result of wear and tear, or even damage from minor accidents. To rectify this issue, inspect the handle’s mounting screws and tighten them if necessary. If the handle is still loose, you may need to replace the mounting screws or the entire handle assembly.


As you’ve learned from this comprehensive guide, maintaining your Ford FG Falcon’s outer door handles is a crucial aspect of keeping your vehicle in top condition. By following the precise steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to ensure your door handles remain in perfect working order, providing a safe and reliable driving experience. From cleaning and lubricating to replacing worn-out parts, you now have the knowledge and skills to precision-protect your door handles and extend the life of your vehicle. With these expert tips, you can confidently hit the road, knowing your FG Falcon’s door handles are protected and ready for whatever the journey may bring.


Why should I regularly maintain my FG Falcon’s outer door handle?

Regular maintenance prevents wear and tear, ensuring smooth operation and extending the handle’s lifespan.

What type of lubricant should I use for the door handle mechanism?

Use silicone spray or graphite powder, as they lubricate effectively without attracting dust.

How often should I check and lubricate the door handle?

Check and lubricate the door handle every few months or during routine car maintenance.

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